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Products - TA Proton

TA Proton

Announcing the availability of TA Proton, a component in the Tuning Ace's Performance Suite (TAPS). This product gives the possibility of identifying solutions to live performance issues today.

The TA Proton component is the next step in improving your systems over all performance. The TA Proton reviews live performance data. Users should first run the TA Nucleus product to clean up the structure. Once the structure of the application is cleaned then TA Proton adds a positive spin on performance by reviewing several different key metrics usually overlooked.

Proton performs over 100 different checks. We have found that it is possible to free up CPU load on the system by reviewing all of the SQL not just the top 10. This is one of the key benefits to TA Proton, by checking all of the application SQL a complete analysis is performed. TA Proton works on both RAC and Non RAC systems.

You should consider TA Proton if,

  • your systems running out of CPU
  • you want to improve application response time

Using TA Proton our customers free up CPU and reduce the cost of database license costs. Our customers usually see a reduction of load by 30 %

For more info please email us at [email protected]